Films 101 organizes the films that have been strongly recommended by critics and filmmakers to help you find more rewarding films. Many of the films you'll find here have been lost for decades, and aren't listed anywhere else in any useful order.
The bulk of the Films 101 database comes from all-time best movie lists and movie awards. Best Picture and Foreign Language Film nominees are included, many of which have been forgotten, but now are easy to find through the many browsing options. New movie releases are added when picked by selected critics.
The films are ranked in order of acclaim among film professionals, using proprietary formulas. Films 101 doesn't believe the exact ranking of films and filmmakers should be taken too seriously. However, approximate rankings are taken very seriously as an alternative to alphabetical or chronological listings for film research.
You can browse the database by rank, title, year, director, genre, foreign film releases, or other groupings provided on the films and filmmakers pages. You can also browse the major award lists with a uniform interface.
Each film page indicates who recommended the film, and provides links for movie reviews, home video purchase, and movie downloads when available. Enjoy!
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What can I do with Films 101?You can quickly find films you haven't seen yet, that have been recommended for viewing, study, and preservation by critics and filmmakers. This is a massive and unique database that goes well beyond the no-brainers of film study to the more eclectic and forgotten films. You can also see which movies are being released for the first time on home video, or on new, improved media formats.
Who is Films 101 designed for?Films 101 is designed primarily for serious film students, teachers, and film buffs, but anyone can use the site. Keep in mind that the focus here isn't limited to feel-good films. Important films are often uncomfortable to watch, but may offer more value in the long run. Films 101 puts it's faith in good sources and hard work, and is gratefully dedicated to Roger Ebert, Leonard Maltin, and other critics, historians, and filmmakers who have contributed to our enjoyment of movies.
Why isn't (film title) included on Films 101 or ranked higher?So far, none of Films 101's sources have rated it high enough. That doesn't mean it's not a good movie. Everyone has favorite movies that, for now, have been overlooked or under-appreciated by critics. Enjoy your personal relationship with movies. That's what it's all about.
Why did the rankings/ratings change?As new sources and films are added, rankings will change. Occasionally, the source lists are re-evaluated and rankings may be tweaked to achieve the best possible results. Also, as some source lists get older, they lose some weight.
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